Make a Great Medical CV
It only takes 6 seconds for someone to accept or reject your medical trainee CV. Find out how to make sure yours has the right impact!
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The average cross-industry standard for an initial CV review is 6 seconds. So you need to make the right initial impression.
In this course, you will be led through the process of putting together a well-presented standout CV for medical trainee positions
Every one is different and so is everyone’s CV. But there are certain key considerations you should take into account when trying to sell yourself to prospective employers.
A good CV is obviously just a starting point to obtaining that dream job in medicine. It will increase your chances of getting to the interview stage. A poor CV may be the thing that prevents you getting an interview.
The average cross-industry standard for an initial CV review is 6 seconds. So you need to make the right initial impression.
In this course, you will be led through the process of putting together a well-presented standout CV for medical trainee positions
Every one is different and so is everyone’s CV. But there are certain key considerations you should take into account when trying to sell yourself to prospective employers.
A good CV is obviously just a starting point to obtaining that dream job in medicine. It will increase your chances of getting to the interview stage. A poor CV may be the thing that prevents you getting an interview.
Your Instructor
Anthony is an expert in Medical HR, a seasoned health public sector executive, medical educationalist and coach.
Anthony has reviewed numerous CVs, chaired and conducted over a thousand job interviews and provided advice to a number of employers and Colleges about selection processes. His background: Consultant Psychiatrist and Medical Manager with 20 years’ experience as a medical practitioner in public health services in a range of roles.
From 2012 to 2016, Anthony was the Medical Director of the Health
Education & Training Institute (HETI), involved in overseeing a
number of network training programs. He is also a Senior Lecturer at the
University of Newcastle’s School of Medicine & Public Health, and
Year 5 Psychiatry Coordinator. He is currently completing a PhD in
Medical Education, exploring personal learning environments in the
intern training space.
Anthony has recently produced a Best Practice Guide to Trainee Selection into Employment Roles for the RACP.